Consumer Insights &
Users Experience Research

With Passion, Commitment, and Expertise
We Bring Users and Consumer "Insights" into Sharp Focus!

We are your resource to:

  • Understand and Empathize with consumers and users.
  • Innovate products based on knowledge about the users experience. 
  • Experience their pain points, solve problems, and differentiate your offering. 
  • Learn the user/consumers language that can create breakthrough content that is meaningful.
  • Map the buyers journey and understand what changes will have greatest impact.

As a Brand Owner, Business Leader, Product Design Team, or Strategy Firm you have important questions about consumers, end users, employees, and audiences - We help you get answers.

Insights & Research Solutions

Explore What We Do Better

What drives us? Answering big questions when you need to know.  We design and execute customized research with passion. Research that reveal “truths” about the attitudes, behaviors, motivations, needs and actions of your consumers and users.


Our strength is combining both research and strategy with expertise in branding and marketing to guide development of standout products that facilitate meaningful connections with consumer and /users.


Let our expertise help you


Ideas . Insights . Innovation

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How can we help you

Hello, I'm your insights partner

Elvenyia Gibson

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Mining for those “golden nuggets” never gets old because I love discovering insights that solve problems.  For 20+ years I’ve used a rich research toolbox to help clients gain powerful insights about their consumers and users to develop products, services, and communication strategies that fuel business growth.

We deliver a more empathetic and emotional approach to connecting with consumers and users.

The #1 reason Products Fail is because of a lack of knowledge about users and consumers.

That’s something you can control.

Some Brands We've Worked With...

What People Say About Us

Client Testimonials

Working with CIBA Research was easy. because ...... They listened to our unique business issues and designed research to get the information and data we needed. They excel at clarifying objectives, working with our teams and guiding us through the process.
G. Worthington
Director Marketing, Healthcare
Elvenyia's research skills are masterful. The things she was able to get people to reveal helped us discover new areas of opportunity we have never explored. I was surprised by the wealth of her findings. The research presentation brought to life "insights" that made our strategy clear and provided nuances we used to set our communication strategy on a different course that set us apart.
S. Hudley
VP Communications, Telecom

We have lots of experience

Case Studies

Healthcare - Learning how to win new customers.


A large regional hospital wanted to increase revenues in joint replacement surgeries, a highly lucrative market.  Over the past decade Joint Replacement surgeries have experienced double-digit growth making them an important revenue source for medical facilities.  We were contracted to help the hospital group become a provider of choice in their market.


Our research plan focused on helping the hospital understand joint replacement patients more holistically (beyond medical records).  Specific research included: Mapping the Buyers Journey, developing Buyers Personas, interviewing  consumer segments to understand their pain points and information needs, performing competitive analysis, develop a positioning and communication strategy.


The research ROI for this initiative was phenomenal.  Surgery revenues increased by 13% in the 1st year of implementing our recommendations. 

Insights from the research led to redesigning the joint replacement website and developing a content strategy that focused on educating patients at different phases of the buyers journey.  This, and other marketing efforts we recommended have given the hospital the highest customer satisfaction ratings in joint replacement surgery ever.  


Entertainment - Redefining the customer experience.


The Covid19 pandemic has forced the movie industry, and movie theaters in particular, to rethink how they do business. Losses across the industry during the first year of Covid were 70% of pre-pandemic revenue, and many theaters only survived the pandemic because of Covid19 emergency government funding. Theaters need audiences to return to become profitable – but will they? When & What will make them come back?  A large movie company needed to explore these questions to plan for their future.


After clarifying research objectives to ensure meaningful insights discovery I conducted online focus groups to explore attitudes and desires around movie going post-pandemic.  This included evaluating new product concepts. From these insights and ideas I developed and fielded an online survey with frequent and casual movie goers to validate the attitudes, behaviors, desires and preferences around movie going pre/during the pandemic, and projecting post-pandemic actions.  


The research resulted in very clear recommendations for the movie theater company to implement to deliver the movie going experience their target consumer wanted post-covid to get them in seats again.  As well, it validated new revenue opportunities for the movie theater company to pursue.

Financial Services - Evaluating the Banking Needs of Millennials & App Development


A financial service company wanted to understand the financial needs of affluent Millennials to develop services to attract them.  Actions:

I fielded a survey of Millennial banking habits, Followed by In-depth interviews and Video Diaries to identify pain-points and opportunity areas  for Millennial consumers. Then I conducted an A & U segmentation study.

Also, I conducted usability testing of the new App during it’s development.


Insights from our research Recommendations 

  • Key communication messages for a digital marketing campaign to attract and educate affluent millennials.
  • Development goals for a new Mobile App with services specifically targeted to help Millennials 
  • Specific new investment services targeted towards the pain-points affluent Miillennials revealed.

CPG - Turning decline into New Product Development


A CPG company with the #1 brand in their personal products category was experiencing declining sales.  The client needed to understand what was creating the decline and wanted to explore new opportunities to grow their brand.


The client had achieved #1 product status but had limited knowledge about their niche consumer therefore it was important to help them gain deep knowledge about their core consumers. I designed a consumer immersion study which included creative focus groups and mobile ethnography to see the consumer holistically, understand their pain-points, reveal their unmet needs, and gain empathy.  Phase 2 of research included concept development, evaluation and validation of product opportunities.  

Results/ Outcomes:

The research results and recommendations created a new growth direction for the brand:  

  • Key insight revealed an emerging trend – a shift in the user’s attitude towards the category that was fueling the sales decline.  This knowledge allowed the client to get ahead of the problem, capitalize on the trend, and shift with the consumer.
  • Key insights helped to create concepts that once validated gave the client a pipeline of new product development and defined the quality, priority and size of those opportunities.
  • Also, key consumer insights were uncovered that created differentiated, compelling positioning for new product advertising and product naming.

CIBA Research & Consulting, LLC 2022 | All Rights Reserved.

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We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

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